Monday, April 30, 2012

The List 1 out of 30.. I think
20 random facts about me

1. I am going to school to become a teacher. It is one of  the hardest, challenging, yet rewarding things I have done in my life. 

2. I want to change the Education system in Louisiana and help children learn. 

3. I am *the Luckiest Girl* ever. B has let me follow my dream, even though it has taken a while for me to figure it out. 

4. I have the sweetest baby boy ever. 

5. I battled with cancer and won. 

6. I am Catholic. 

7. I love reading to C man at night. I try to read to him at least 3 times a day. 

8. My dad taught me to be an independent person. 

9. My sister is my hero. She has a 4.0 at LSU. She is SUPER SMART. 

10. I enjoy taking C man for a walk in the afternoon. 

11. I took a fashion design class in high school and now I work in retail. Ha!

12. I am slowly finding myself after years of being lost. 

13. Folding towels is the best chore ever!
14. I miss my friends dearly. 

15. I am an alum of a sorority. 

16. I only believe in driving Chevrolet's.

17. Sometimes, I will stay on the computer all day looking at love quotes. 

18. Currently saving money to buy a house. One day it will happen. 

19. I miss being able to plant a garden and having weekends to hang out. 

20. I think a kid is the best excuse for  going to the Zoo, Aquarium, etc