Monday, May 7, 2012

2 out of 30

2 out of 30

 Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

1. Working in retail for the rest of my life.
      Every Saturday and Sunday when I leave the boys to go to work, I die inside. I miss being able to spend the day with Branden. I don't want to work at a job where I am disrespected everyday and treated like I don't have a brain. In Louisiana, you are often looked down upon when working in retail. I have worked so hard the past seven years to put myself through college and beat cancer. When I graduate I hope to find a job and leave the retail world.

2. Being a working  mother.

       I struggle everyday when I bring C man to daycare. I always wonder if I am making the right decision to help my family financially, so that we can save money for a house, a new car, and other things in life. I know that I am not alone in this struggle, but it sure is hard. 

3. Getting rid of old school stuff.

        I have this quest for knowledge and this quest has made me  keep old school stuff. I am scared that I will forget something that I know or something that is very important for me to know. I am finally letting go of old papers, but it is very hard for me to do.

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