Monday, December 12, 2011

I can finally relax

Last week was finals week. A rough and tedious week of studying, sleeping, and trying to survive. I did survive and I am one step closer to my goal of becoming an elementary teacher. 
I am so excited that work hours are starting to pick up. I may have money to buy a few Christmas gifts. 
I am making Connor alphabet magnets and plan on making Branden a few gifts. I will need to be sneaky about this.  So I will keep quiet about this until after Christmas. 

I have made some goals for next Christmas:

Make an advent calendar
Visit Acadian Village
Visit the Zoo to see the light

I am starting to organize the apartment to make next semester easier for Branden and I. I am taking pictures and documented everything that I have done. Off to organize !!

Friday, November 11, 2011

It has been awhile

I am so sorry that I haven't written in so long, but life has been so busy.  I finally have a minute to breathe. School has been busier than ever, but knowing that it is almost over is the only thing keeping me sane.  I have also joined Pinterest, which is SO addicting. I have found so many cute things to do with the house and have found some interesting ways to keep Connor busy.

 Here are a few links that I love:

When out at a resturant and your kid(s) need something to keep busy:

On a cold rainy day or hot summer day when you can't go outside:

All of these websites came from Pinterest.
Here are a few pictures from Connor's birthday that I promised almost five months ago.

                                                                 Connor and his Lucy

                                    Sweet Mason

Friday, September 30, 2011

Crazy Crazy Week

I know it has been a while since I posted anything, but you must understand the craziness going on in life. Every night I have been making lesson plans for tutoring and teaching. I tutor in Math for methods class and teach Reading on Tuesday and Thursday.

Connor has been so moody lately. I understand that he is two and it is bad, but I don't know what to do. If we tell him "NO" he whines, if we tell him "Yes" he wines. There is no pleasing him.  Oh well, we will deal.

Well off to write more lessons!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nap time is the best!

Things are finally getting back to normal around here.  Branden was in Tulsa for a training class for work, while I was taking care of the normal things back home. I am so EXHAUSTED from this past week. I have never seen a kid with as much energy as Connor. He has definitely kept  me on my toes. 

Not only did I have to take care of Connor, but I also had school. After Connor would go to bed around 9, I would stay up until 11 or 12, doing homework. I would go to sleep tired and wake up tired.  No matter how hard I worked to ware out Connor, he still had energy to play.  It's a good thing, but when you are stressed with school work it's impossible to see as a good thing. 

 Well off I go to study!! Bye!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Where has the time gone?

It is already September 5. Where has the time gone? Oh, I know. Work and school work along with taking care of the boys have taken over.  School is in full swing and by that I mean, tons of homework every night.  It is the make it or break it semester.
Connor is in the terrible two's stage. He hits us when he doesn't get what he wants and has gone so far as to kicking.  He throws his cups when he gets water instead of apple juice. At daycare, he bit a kid. We are trying very hard to stop this behavior, but it still happens. 

This past weekend Tropical Storm Lee passed through. Not fun at all. I thought we would be able to go to the zoo or the park. Nope, TS Lee had other plans.  After three days of rain, I am sick of rain. The only good thing about the rain is that it brought  cooler weather. We are all sick with this quick weather change, though.

Hopefully, we will be better soon!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Birthday Party

On Saturday, we had Connor's birthday party.  He enjoyed and we also enjoyed it. I was very excited, because he received  enough clothes to last until he is three. Although, we will need some denim pants but it can wait until we hit the colder months.  I will post pictures of the party when I have more time. 

One person that came to the party was Mason, which is my cousin's son.  He has been struggling to learn to walk for a while now but he is finally walking.  It is so exciting, but she really has no idea how mobile he will be within the next few months. She will definitely be running after him and they will now enjoy being outdoors more since he can walk. Maybe we can have playdates together. Fingers are crossed.

Yesterday, my car was acting very weird. I was scared to drive it. We came to the decision that it is time to save up for a new car.   It will be hard to save some money, since I start school in a week and hours at work have slowed.  I have been working on making a budget, but Branden loves to eat out. Speaking of school, I am excited to see my block girls and guy! Aaron would be so mad if I put him in with the girls, but we sit at the same table and my semester would be horrible!    I am so excited that we will be able to work hands on with the students. I am nervous though! I only have one more  weekend to myself before I become the crazed work driven student. 

I will go enjoy my me time.  Bye bye!

Friday, August 12, 2011

We've made it through another year.

   Today is my little boy's second birthday.  We are entered the world of "No's" and "Mine", even if it is not his'. For example, my make-up. While digging in my purse the other day he found some lip gloss. While B tried to take it away, he yelled "MINE." It was funny, but B didn't think it was funny.  When we asked little bit if he wanted to go to bed, he said "No."

     We have started potty training, but it isn't going as well as I thought it would.  He potties on the side of the toilet but not in the toilet. It is frustrating, but I tell myself he is scared of the toilet. Hopefully, it will get better.

    We have a big day ahead of us. Birthday shopping, haircuts, and a trip to the zoo.